Our teeth are strong, but sometimes they are not strong enough. Don’t let periodontal disease, injury or other causes of tooth loss rob you of your smile. Dentistry On Elgin in Cambridge will create a set of dentures that can easily be installed into your mouth, and look just like your real teeth.

Commonly referred to as “false teeth,” dentures are a removable prosthesis that is designed to replace missing teeth. They look and behave in the same way as your natural teeth, and have proved to be a popular alternative to missing teeth.

The best starting point? You need learn about the most common reasons for dentures.

Make your face look younger

Do you feel you look much older than your actual age? A smile with missing teeth can cause the face to take on a sunken cheeked appearance. However, a well set of dentures can reverse that by giving your cheeks shape and definition.

Improve chewing ability

You’ve traded in your original teeth for a full or partial set of dentures. Did you know that chewing on one side up the risk of dentures coming loose? For example, your teeth can break or fracture from biting down on hard to chew food like steak (so chew on both sides). The key to learning to live with your dental implants, is having better fitting dentures that will stay in place.

You can speak with confidence

Do you feel anxious about talking to someone with a terrible lisp? If you are new to dentures, you might be concerned that changes in your voice and speech will make your dentures more noticeable to others. In time, and with some practice, you can learn to speak with confidence without feeling embarrassed.

Teeth look more natural

Just because you lost your teeth, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have the beautiful smile that you always dreamed of. You will receive custom made dentures that look and feel similar to your natural teeth.

What does getting dentures involve?

The process of getting dentures requires several “try in” appointments to ensure proper shape, color, and fit. Our dentist will take impressions and record your jaw’s movements to create your personalized dentures. When you get your dentures, you’ll feel like you have your original smile back.

What is the right denture for me?

For those missing a single tooth or several teeth in a row, a partial denture will help protect your remaining teeth and keep them healthy.

Overtime, you may lose all your teeth naturally with old age. Or, they might need to be removed due to a severe disease. In both situations, complete dentures can help you eat and smile with confidence throughout your golden years.

Dentures can go a long way towards improving your quality of life. A good set of dentures helps you eat, speak and function better. It also gives you a brighter, more youthful looking smile you deserve. At Dentistry On Elgin, our team would love to help determine which denture option works best for you.